McClintock Minute


Recent 2014-3 Summer Newsletter Articles

FASB and IASB Continue to Work on New Lease Accounting Guidance

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Ted Blendermann, CPA, CFP In May 2013, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (collectively “the Boards”) released revised exposure drafts for the proposal of new lease accounting guidance. If the 2013 proposal is adopted in final form, the guidance will require balance sheet recognition of...

Does Your Annual Security Report Meet the DOE Requirements?

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Sandy Santangelo If your Institution receives Title IV funds, you are required to publish and distribute, by October 1 of each year, a comprehensive Annual Security Report (“ASR”) that contains, at a minimum, all of the statistical and policy elements enumerated in 34 C.F.R. 668.46(b). The ASR must be distributed...

The “Repair Regulations” – Impact on General Accounting Policies

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Ryan Bianco, CPA The 2014 tax year is the first year the final tangible property regulations, also known as the “Repair Regulations,” are required to be implemented. These expansive regulations affect taxpayers that acquire, produce, and improve tangible property in the course of their business. The Repair Regulations address whether expenditures...