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Recent 2014-2 Spring Newsletter Articles

How Do You Know If Your 401(k) Plan Requires An Audit?

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Robert J. Behr, CPA The answer to this question depends on if your 401(k) plan is deemed to be “small” or “large”. This is based on the number of “eligible” participants in your plan at the beginning of the plan year. Technically, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) requires an independent...

Update on Accounting for Goodwill and Derivatives

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Norbert Dietrich, CPA In the fall of 2013, the Private Company Council (PCC) reached a consensus to provide an elective accounting alternative in two areas, goodwill and interest rate swaps. In January 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) updates on those two topics, which...

IRS Provides Updated Hours Guidance

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Chad Dinco, CPA Many companies are still trying to keep up with all the details and new regulations that the government has passed in regards to the Affordable Care Act. As with many new laws, there are often new regulations issued to help clarify and give guidance on how to...

Selected for Verification

By McClintock & Associates December 20, 2016

By Luke B. Hoey How can a school make the verification process easier for itself and its students? I am going to outline a few options for you. Now, these are just ideas; each school is different, so it makes sense that their processes would not be identical. In the same...