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Recent 2018-3 Summer Newsletter Articles

How the Wayfair Decision Could Affect Your Company’s Findings

By McClintock & Associates August 10, 2018

If a company has sales tax nexus in a state, they are required to collect sales or use tax on sales to customers in that state. Before the internet and over a half century ago, in 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court held that states could not impose the obligation to collect and...

2018 Bowling Party

By McClintock & Associates August 10, 2018

McClintock & Associates recently hosted its 16th Annual End of Busy Season Bowling Event at the Noble AMC Bowling Lanes on July 23rd.  The theme for this year’s event was Countries.  The seven countries represented included: Jamaica, Russia, Mexico, Canada, Ireland, Chad, and South Africa.  Each team was fashionably dressed...