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McClintock & Associates Honored with Partner of Distinction Award

McClintock & Associates Honored with Partner of Distinction Award

January 25, 2022

Recognition Rasmussen University (Rasmussen), a private college with 23 campuses in Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, has established itself as a pioneer in career-focused education. Rasmussen has an annual Partner of Distinction award which recognizes a company that has met the four following criteria and the selection…

Stay on Top of Potential PPP Tax Concerns & Solutions

Stay on Top of Potential PPP Tax Concerns & Solutions

By Daniel R. Steinmeyer, MBA, CPA December 7, 2020

This year’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was a life preserver for many companies and for-profit organizations, as well as their employees, as the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up and businesses were forced to close. But there are some potential tax considerations for business owners and pass-through entities regarding the loan program…